Critical Thinking Skills for Mindful Decision Making
We have to make decisions and solve problems on a daily basis in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous world where an overload of information appears from many directions - often with contradictory messages to confuse and challenge us emotionally. We are also conditioned in a certain way through our parenting, education and society that may subconsciously influence, bias and prejudice our decisions.
How do you know what to believe?
How do you separate the truth from the myths?.
How do you put things in perspective, move away from emotion to logic and reason to analyze and make decisions that consider the entire eco-system of information, influences and impacts?.
The answer lies in critical thinking in a mindful manner - by moving away from emotion to logic and reason. This is the ability to clearly reason through problems by becoming aware of self - our biases and prejudices - to identify issues with reason and assess the arguments rationally by assessing the pros and cons of the situation – to clearly identify the issue, find robust solutions and make decisions strategically, being mindful of the impacts on the entire system – people and processes.
This two-day workshop will give you practical tools and hands-on experience with critical thinking and problem solving in a mindful manner in a radically uncertain world.

Learning Outcomes
What is critical and non-critical thinking
Build and analyze arguments using critical thinking
Learn analytical thought systems and creative thinking tools to manage the workload and relationships
Understand critical thinking style
Learn the role of emotion in the thinking processes (how the brain and the mind function)
Learn the impact of mindfulness on the thinking process (a practical introduction to how a mindfulness practice impacts the thinking process)