A Strategic Foundational Workshop to Create a Positive Organizational Culture Clarity on Values and Needs
3 Day (with shortened option for 2 days) – Can be spread over 3 weeks.
This Strategic Session is designed for organizations – newly formed, re-engineered, reorganized or rebranded, to first anchor on a set of Values and then workshop through a set of Organizational Needs.
Organizations perform at their peak when the Vision, Values and individual Needs (for autonomy, respect, appreciation and contribution) of the people are agreed upon and met. This enables individuals to flourish within the organization and come together as a team to find unity in a shared group identity. It can be achieved with an agreed purpose and direction based on a set of common Values and behaviours. That can lead to a strategy where each individual takes responsibility to unleash their creative talent to meet the objectives and goals of the organization.
Once Organizational Needs and Values are defined, the focus shifts to the team - the interpersonal relationships then to the intrapersonal and the individual, where managing self becomes the key through introspection and reflection. This way the individual becomes mindful to take responsibility for self and the organization.
The participatory approach will enable the team to safely and openly discuss to understand the emotional reality of the people and the organization – the subterranean feelings and complex norms - what people care about, what helps them and what gets in the way of success. Then they can define and take ownership of the Values and articulate what motivates and inspires them to create a culture they can thrive in.
This transparent process feeds into the organizational structures - the systems and the processes that people will take responsibility for and perform to deliver on its objectives and goals. When key people participate in this kind of process to dialogue about their culture and dreams, it creates a shared language of unity, resonance and harmony – to feel inspired and empowered to do their best everyday as a great team.

Learning Outcomes
Taking responsibility as individuals to uphold the agreed values based on individual and organizational needs
Acknowledging individual and collective needs to ensure that systems and processes get designed accordingly
Increase dialogue around the tension between needs and structures on a constant basis – to work in harmony as a team.
To become mindful and aware individually of their important role in the organization and how they have the power to create a positive culture to thrive in.